Hua Siong College of Iloilo Phoenix Graders Department, Junior High School (JHS) Department, and Senior High School (SHS) Department held their club fair and organization festival last August 9-10, 2023 at the Irene Ang Jun Teng Auditorium Main Campus and Ty Eng Liong Gymnasium Ledesco Campus as a way to support learner engagement and let them pursue their interests and passions outside of the classroom.
Learners of the Phoenix Graders Department Main Campus chose among the following clubs: Super Sonic Science Club, Phoenix Shakers Club, Artvengers Club, and Phoenix Talk Masters Club for Cluster 1, while the Phoenix Home Fanatics Club, Wika-alaman (Makatang Pinoy), Phoenix Flash Scientists, Phoenix Number Heroes, Phoenix Eskrima Warriors, and Phoenix Happy Arts Club were in Cluster 2.
Cluster 1 clubs for the Ledesco Campus include the Artscape (Art Club), Green Thumb Club (Garden Club), All Star Movers Club, Board Game Geeks (Board Games Club), and the Language Nest (English Club), while Cluster 2
clubs include the Phoenix Young Einsteins Club, TALE’KABA (Talentadong Kabataan), Young Artist Guild (Art Club), Time Travelers (Social Club), and the Language Nest (English Club). The Boy Scout, Girl Scout, and Chain organizations were also offered to the learners.
The JHS department also showcased their clubs namely Circle of Mathwiz, Environmental Club, Melody Makers, Dance Ensemble, Teatro Phoenix, Promising Journalists and Communicators Club, FiloPhoenix Club, HomeTechs Club, Media Club, Entrepreneur Club, Wu Shu, Chinese Calligraphy, and Sports Club. Learners also signed up for the Lion and Dragon Dance Troupe, Red Cross, Boy Scout, and Girl Scout.
Film-Forge (Film-Making), Gourmet Guild (Culinary Arts), Startup Society (Entrepreneurship), Hua Siong Debate Society (Debate), Green Initiative Organization (Environmentalist), The Bibliophiles (Book Club), The Chain (Student Publication), Red Cross Youth (RCY), and Dragon and Lion Dance Troupe were the organizations joined in by SHS learners.