Hua Siong opens School Year 2023-2024 with a fresh start

by | Nov 16, 2023

The Red Phoenixes are back in action as Hua Siong College of Iloilo (HSCI) formally opens School Year 2023-2024 last July 19, 2023 with the theme, “Freshstart: Trailblazing A New Chapter with the Champions.”

Administrators, faculty, staff, and learners were welcomed by Mr. Ian Eric S. Pama, President of the Board of Trustees, followed by a performance of the HSCI Dragon and Lion Dance Troupe.

“Overall, I am very excited and ecstatic for my next academic journey with Hua Siong,” said Gayle Natividad, President of Junior High School Student Council (JHS SC).

Furthermore, the learners were also acquainted with the members of the Board of Trustees and school administrators, as well as the officers of the Supreme Student Government (SPG) of the elementary department, JHS SC, and Senior High School Student Council.

“Hua Siong continues to provide the best for its students and as a Red Phoenix, I am immensely grateful and proud to be a part of this institution,” shared Marcia Ellise Espinosa, a Grade 10 learner.

The event concluded with a dance mob prepared by the council officers.

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